IFSC European ParaclimbingChapionships Villars sur Ollon

The competition Venue: Parking duRendez Vous

Sunday 25th the weather was critical, only the Main wall to the  right could be used for the competition! Most important the competition could start at 2 pm instead of noon!

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If you are interested to know more about how IFSC classifies the impairment click the link below. First a short overview:

  • Blind Sport Classes (B1, B2, B3)
  • Amputees (AU2, AU3, AL1, AL2)
  • Limited reach, power or stability (RP1, RP2, RP3)
  • Higher numbers equal higher functionality (less impairment), lower numbers equal lower functionality (more impairment).

Link to IFSC Classification


Impressions from the Final at Sunday August 25

The Swiss European Champion: Xavier RITHNER





  • After the Event
  • Call back again please
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All pictures are copyright protected, use is only with written permission from my side.

With permission use of mandatory credit is: pinkmilanimaging.ch / Fritz Moser