Welcome to my world of images

"Keeper of Magic Moments"

My approach to Photography:

Is the Art of capturing  moments;

other people do not see or realise that it exists!

The Eye for the Exceptional

  • My work, is driven by the present moment in time,
  • volatile and transient ,as they are and non
    returning or repeating!

  • no chance to repeat what happened!


  • A unique perspective, kept for "eternity".
  • For me it means, all time readyness!
  • Almost 100% of my images are unique;
    and not repeatable!



  • My main Genres in Photography, despite my past, as you see in "about me":

Alaska Coastal Grizzly

  • This Grizzly is "studying" me

  • Be Aware:

  • Bears are constantly watching you! they know where you are what you do, if they are not surprised.

A Grizzly is "studying" me
A Grizzly is "studying" me

Let's start and discover my work

Stop over in Seattle

  • On The way back from Alaska to Switzerland we had a  Stop over at Seattle
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All pictures are copyright protected, use is only permitted  with written, permission from my side with mandatory credit: pinkmilanimaging.ch / Fritz Moser


If you got comments, suggestions or questions, please

clickasnap Gallery

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