Experience in Photography

Photography then slept with short breakes for long time

  • Already as teenager I started get interested in photography
  • At that time I began to take pictures with cheepest cameras
  • Only in the age of about 25, I could afford a DSLR, this was the time when first auto focus cameras where introduced.


  • Because of concentrating on my career in work, photography slept long time
  • Until about 3 years after my health took me down! A stroke turned my life upside down! My left side was completly paralised and my head had forgotten that there is a left side! The stroke happened the night from December 24. to December 25. 2008.
  • Then about 3 years after the stroke I got the impression to do somthing creative.
  • I decided 2011despite my physical handicap, to do a one year  education in photography
  • What I successfully finished2012

After the Stroke

  • I invested a big amount of time to get back on my feet to move step by step
  • eventually the desire grew to be active in a creative way as I a did years before, and so I started to reactivate the photography again. With physical handicap!
  • Does it work being active as photographer with physical handicap?
  • YES. It does if you start doing it!

All pictures are copyright protected, use is only permitted  with written, permission from my side with mandatory credit: pinkmilanimaging.ch / Fritz Moser


If you got comments, suggestions or questions, please

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